
„…Thank you, I don’t smoke,” said Lanark, cooling a little. A while later Lanark said, „Would you tell me exactly what the creature is?” „A conspiracy which owns and manipulates everything for profit.” „Are you talking about the wealthy?” „Yes, but not the wealthy in coins and banknotes–that sort of wealth is only coloured beads to keep the makers servile. The owners and manipulators have smarter ways of banking energy. They pay themselves with time: time to think and plan, time to examine necessity from a distance.” An old man leaning on a stick and a dark young man with a turban entered and stood talking quietly by the pillar. Grant’s loud voice had been even and passionless, but suddenly he said, „What I hate most is their conceit. Their institute breaks whole populations into winners and losers and calls itself culture. Their council destroys every way of life which doesn’t bring them a profit and calls itself government. They pretend culture and government are supremely independent powers when they are nothing but gloves on the hands of Volstat and Quantum, Cortexin and Algolagnics. And they really think they are the foundation. They believe their greed holds up the continents. They don’t call it greed, of course, they call it profit, or (among themselves, where they don’t need to fool anyone) killings. They’re sure that only their profit allows people to make and eat things.” „Maybe that’s true.” „Yes, because they make it true. But it isn’t necessary. Old men remember when the makers unexpectedly produced enough for everyone. No crop failed, no mine was exhausted, no machinery broke down, but the creature dumped mountains of food in the ocean because the hungry couldn’t pay a profitable price for it, and the shoemaker’s children went shoeless because their father had made too many shoes. And the makers accepted this as though it was an earthquake! They refused to see they could make what they needed for each other and to hell with profit. They would have seen in the end, they would have had to see, if the council had not gone to war.” „How did that help?” „As the creature couldn’t stay rich by selling necessary things to the folk who made them it sold destructive things to the council. Then the war started and the destructive things were used to wreck the necessary things. The creature profited by replacing both.” „Who did the council fight?” „It split in two and fought itself.” „That’s suicide!” „No, ordinary behaviour. The efficient half eats the less efficient half and grows stronger. War is just a violent way of doing what half the people do calmly in peacetime: using the other half for food, heat, machinery and sexual pleasure. Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation.” „I refuse to believe men kill each other just to make their enemies rich.” „How can men recognize their real enemies when their family, schools and work teach them to struggle with each other and to believe law and decency come from the teachers?” „My son won’t be taught that,” said Lanark firmly. „You have a son?” „Not yet.” The chapterhouse had filled with chattering groups and Ritchie-Smollet moved among them collecting signatures in a book. There were many young people in bright clothing, old eccentric men in tweeds and a large confusion of in-between people. Lanark decided that if this was the new government of Unthank he was not impressed. Their manners were shrill and vehement or languid and bored. Some had the mark of the council on their brow but nobody displayed the calm, well-contained strength of men like Monboddo, Ozenfant and Munro. Lanark said, „Could you tell me about this committee?” „I’m getting round to it. The war ended with the creature and its organs more dominant than ever. Naturally there was a lot of damage to repair, but that only took half our time and energy. If industry and government had been commanding us for the common good (as they pretend to do), the continents would have become gardens, gardens of space and light where everyone had time to care for their lovers, children and neighbours without crowding and tormenting them. But these vast bodies only cooperate to kill or crush. Once again the council began feeding the creature by splitting the world in two and preparing a war. But it ran into unexpected trouble–” „Stop! You’re simplifying,” said Lanark. „You talk as if all government was one thing, but there are many kinds of government, and some are crueller than others.” „Oh, yes,” said Grant, nodding. „An organization which encloses a globe must split into departments. But you’re a very ordinary victim of council advertising if you think the world is neatly split between good governments and bad.” „What was the council’s unexpected trouble?” „The creature supplied it with such vast new weapons that a few of them could poison the world. Most folk are dour and uncomplaining about their own deaths, but the death of their children depresses them. The council tried to pretend the new weapons weren’t weapons at all but homes where everyone could live safely, but for all that an air of protest spread even to the council corridors. Many who had never dreamed of governing themselves began complaining loudly. This committee is made of complainers.” „Has complaint done any good?” „Some, perhaps. The creature still puts time and energy into vast weapons and sells them to the council, but recent wars have been fought with smaller weapons and kept to the less industrial continents. Meanwhile the creature has invented peaceful ways of taking our time and energy. It employs us to make essential things badly, so they decay fast and have to be replaced. It bribes the council to destroy cheap things which don’t bring it a profit and replaces them with new expensive things which do. It pays us to make useless things and employs scientists, doctors and artists to persuade us that these are essential…”

Alasdair Gray – Lanark. A Life in Four Books

Dans dans dans

-de ce citesti?

-imi place
de ce imi place
pentru ca ma absoarbe,  ma face sa uit,  imi schimba ideile fixe…

-da,  ideile fixe

-cum sunt ideile fixe?

-ideile fixe sunt ca o inchisoare
esti inchis/a intre zidurile ei

-sau ei

-da, din moment ce dispar ideile fixe te eliberezi

-spune-mi o idee fixa a ta

-stii cum e, sunt multe idei fixe, dar cand trebuie sa dezvalui una, totul devine complicat

-deschizi o fereastra, nu
sau iti imprastie iluzia ca e buna acea idee, ca te protejeaza

-da, expunand ideile fixe in afara ta le demistifici, devin niste simple idei, descoperi ca nu au nici un fundament, ca sunt absurde

-si ti-e teama?

-nu. de exemplu, uite o idee fixa: tot ce construiesc trebuie sa fie rezistent si din dorinta de a fi asa
intaresc totul si aici si acolo, consum mai multe resurse decat trebuie
si rezultatul e ceva mult mai rezistent decat ar trebui sa fie


-exista nevoia de a lega viata interioara de viata exterioara, prin fundatie, pui fundatie sub idei. nimic nu e de prisos
totul, inclusiv iluziile se pot transforma in realitate, daca stii cum sa legi iluzia de realitate
sa o faci sa ii placa realitatea. fundatia e realitatea

-daca se leaga visul cu realitatea, intrebarea ce e vis si ce e realitate isi pierde importanta, se estompeaza

-devine o intrebare absurda

-ai senzatia uneori ca visam?

-mi-ar placea sa stiu cum sa ma imprietenesc cu visele mele
e foarte probabil ca intreaga viata sa fie cu totul altceva decat stim noi ca este
si da, poate fi chiar un vis
un vis foarte complex
am senzatia uneori ca traim si in trecut si in prezent si in viitor in acelasi timp
astfel se poate explica senzatia de deja-vu
de sincronicitate
uimirea ca am mai trait o data ceea ce facem
dar nu ne putem aminti. nefiind un eveniment trecut
normal ca nu ne putem aminti

-am des senzatia de deja vu

-dincolo de explicatia religioasa, amintirile dintr-o alta viata
eu cred ca asta e o metafora
acea alta viata poate fi o viata traita in paralel
de ce suntem asa de obsedati de trecut
de viitor

-da, unii oameni sunt mai sensibili si mai receptivi la legaturi intre lucruri, la conexiuni, coincidente

-eu de exemplu, traiesc in trecut mai mult decat in prezent
dar poate ca trecutul prezentul si viitorul sunt aceeasi fata a aceleiasi realitati
poate ca totul se intampla in acelasi timp
si doar mintea noastra separa
am separat „iubeste” de „fa ce vrei”

-poate suntem in mai multe locuri in acelasi timp. te-ai gandit la scrisoarea lui noica *

-da, acum… oamenii dau la o parte tot ce i-ar putea incurca
tot ce incurca e mai complex decat pot ei cuprinde
si dau la o parte
dar acea simplificare nu e neaparat simpla
ea insasi complica dar da impresia ca e simpla

-cred ca pot sa interpretez titlul lui murakami: dans dans dans in legatura cu ce imi scrii tu acum
dansand nu dai lucrurile la o parte
nu iesi din vartejul lumii si nu refuzi conexiunile

-noi refuzam multe conexiuni
asa de multe

-e si o pledoarie pentru intuitie, pentru nedemonstrabil.  da, refuzam

-a demonstra e valabil doar intre oameni

-nu facem ce vrem dansand ci planuind

-lumea in care traim nu e alcatuita numai din oameni
oamenii nu sunt cele mai vechi fiinte de pe pamant
intuitia e universala
demonstratia e pitagoriceasca, nu mi-a venit alt matematiciam in minte
dansul e liber, relaxant, nu darama lucrurile din preajma ci le invita la dans

nu darama nimic, nu dezechilibreaza, nu distruge

-demonstratia inlatura tot ce nu corespunde cu ea

-dansul e si foarte personal, ca o esenta tare….demonstratia e imprastiata
cand dansezi esti egal cu tine si poti fi peste tot, nu te rupi
imi place cum spui
ai inteles cum am inteles eu titlul


* – “Ce poate fi în lumea voastră, dragul meu, că te-ai gândit să pleci din ea? Şi sunt mulţi – mi se spune – care se despart de ea, chiar dacă nu intră în ordin, ca tine. V-a mâhnit peste măsură lumea de azi? Aţi găsit că o puteţi sluji de dincolo de ea? (…) În limba ta există o vorbă a trecutului care-mi pare, într-un fel, mai adevărată astăzi decât oricare alta.

Este cea a lui Augustin, “iubeşte şi fă ce vrei”. Căci dacă iubeşti cu adevărat – s-a spus – nu mai faci aceea ce vrei, doar ce trebuie. Poate că lumea de azi e uneori smintită pentru că a despărţit pe «fă ce vrei» de «iubeşte». Ea şi-a luat toate libertăţile şi face tot ce-i place, dar nu iubeşte întotdeauna. (…) S-a sfârşit cu lumea aproapelui; este o lume a departelui nostru, cea în care trăim şi se va trăi. Nu e o întâmplare că eu însumi îţi scriu de departe, dragul meu, şi că-ţi scriu pe departe, nu de-a dreptul, ca şi cum ai fi pentru mine doar unul din Rafailii lumii.

Dar nu te dezaprob şi nu i-aş dezaproba nici pe ceilalţi, chiar dacă ar fi oaste şi biserică, iar nu singurateci. Nu vă dezaprob, chiar dacă m-aş teme că trăiţi într- o lume gata făcută – şi care nu mai are ce face. (…) Eu nu am a-ţi da lecţii. Spre capătul vieţii, văd că nu ştiu mai nimic. Dar când mă uit îndărăt, văd că e ceva sigur până şi într-o viaţă ca a mea: e bucuria. N-am avut dreptate decât atunci când m-am bucurat. Omul e fiinţa care jubilează. Omul a făcut bucuria, şi a văzut că era bună. (…) Şi-ţi spun numai: bucură-te şi fă ce vrei!” (Constantin Noica – Scrisoare catre fiul sau)